2024 Registration is OPEN!!!

Camp Independence
July 22 to 25, 2024 (Campers)
July 21 to 25, 2024 (Staff/Junior Counselors)

    Registration closes at midnight on June 3 ($35 per camper/$75 family max)
    Late registration closes at midnight on June 16 and an additional fee of $25 per
    camper will apply

The Camp Committee has been working to bring Camp Independence back to the Oklahoma Hemophilia Foundation’s Community. It is one of the most important and impactful programs that OHF produces and we are proud of the leadership program that has developed so many of our youth into incredible young adults!

Camp Independence is a week-long overnight summer camp experience for campers affected by a bleeding disorder and their siblings. The camp site is located in Tishomingo, OK and we will have buses to transport campers from the Oklahoma City metro area and the Tulsa metro area. You are also welcome to provide your own transportation to camp. We run three (3) simultaneous programs: 

  • Junior Camp for campers ages 8-12

  • Teen Camp for campers ages 13-18

  • Camp Leadership

Our application-based leadership component is for campers and young adults, with campers going into their Junior year of high school up to 20 years of age.

We take your privacy and security seriously. The Oklahoma Hemophilia Foundation adheres to the ACA's recommended guidelines regarding HIPAA compliance.

The application process for campers and staff is broken into two steps beginning with the Interest Form (linked below):

Once the application form is completed and returned, a member of the Camp committee will review the information and send an email with next steps, which include the complete registration or application form. For those interested in Junior Counselor positions, there will be a separate form provided that we ask the potential JC to complete along with providing the name and email address for two individuals (who are not related or a friend) who can provide a reference/recommendation.

After completion of the full registration, campers will be asked to provide a copy of their health insurance card and a copy of their immunization record (or you are welcome to complete the dates for each immunization on the registration form. We will provide you with instructions on how to upload those documents. All health information will be protected and provided only to infirmary staff which will be comprised of members of the HTC.

Potential staff will have a background check after completion of their application and will receive a welcome email outlining training sessions. Detailed policies and expectations will be provided at training.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to CampDirector@okbleedingdisorders.org or call Kerri Crabtree, Interim Executive Director at (918) 605-2579.